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Dijana Taylor Journal

Enthusiastic, Thoughtful, Persistent

I always enjoyed walking, running, skiing, and other outside activities. I love climbing to the top of the hills in Croatia to capture amazing views of the Adriatic Sea. Until now, I didn't consider myself a hiker. This year, I hope to go on at least one hiking trip with this group (hopefully more), get to know many interesting individuals, and build lasting friendships.

Volunteer at least 2x per week at the APA Olivette!
Attend 80% of the hikes for this group.
Go to at least one hike outside St. Louis with this group.
Attend as many book reviews as possible.

I grew up in Bosnia and lived in Germany for five years before coming to St. Louis over 20 years ago. I enjoy the outdoors, meeting different people, and spending time with family and friends.
Most of my summers were spent in a small Croatian town, working at my grandmother's cake and ice cream shop and enjoying the beautiful clear water and terrific mountain views. Hence my love for the outdoors and beautiful scenery.

Professionally, I am focusing on Supply Chain and have spent over 20 years learning and growing in that field.

I obtained my Industrial Engineering Degree from SIU Carbondale and my MBA from Fontbonne University.

I have two kids, 21 and 14, two dogs, and two cats! All pet family members were adopted from surrounding APA facilities or rescued directly from the areas around the city.
APA facility in Olivette is dearest to my heart as it houses big dogs that are often the hardest to find homes for and are known to stay an extensive amount of time at the shelter. I am looking forward to allocating additional time to volunteering at that facility to enable those pups to see outside.

In my other spare time, I invest in rental real estate within the city limits, rehabbing distressed city properties and providing affordable rental options to low and mid-income families.

Books / Learning: I am a lifelong learner interested in many subjects. I am currently focused on reading non-fiction, self-improvement books. I enjoy hearing different perspectives, especially as they relate to real-life experiences. Ron's book review gatherings are very engaging and delightfully insightful.

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